Greenfelt Freecell

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️Play FreeCell Solitaire online for free. No registration or download required. 10000+ free FreeCell Solitaire card games. Game: freecell Game #: 174936818 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586.

Green Felt Freecell App

in Bug Reports71.94.55.16

Game: freecell
Game #: 2740301548
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 9_3_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/13G36
JS-Version: 2018-09-06_10:59:16_-0700_ccae3e8a0b87d6f6f7ef92850dbb746ecf9e4ca9

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Green felt freecell free downloadGreenfelt Freecell

Freecell Collection Free



    This FreeCell game is jerky, i.e., the movement is not smooth.


    Are you using a Magic Mouse 2? If you are, mine does the same thing.


    What's a Magic Mouse 2?Have we now reached the frontiers of mouse technology.I could do with one of those.My mouse doesn't do as it's told anymore.Like me,it's getting old and tired.Look forward to Magic Mouse 3.


    I'll gladly pay you on the 1st , for a magic mouse now


    Yes dear Graeme, new technology is finally at your doorstep. Just go down the road past the coal mine then across the peat bogs to your local apple store . Just changed my 11yr old iMac for a new one this year. Takes a bit of getting used to... this magic mouse2 is very jumpy. Using a term with all due respect, you just have to fart near it and it goes crazy.


    Hello anglais.Just back with a bucket of coal.What's an I Mac?A French/Canadian greeting?I think I'll stick with my old friend.I procure my apples from the local super-market,quite tasty this time of year.I think my old mouse and I will gradually disappear into the ether together,but not before a few more games of Klondike.Look after yourself and keep in touch.


    I totally agree with my great friends across the pond, graeme, and Treacle, I will stick to to my touch screen 2015 HP Laptop , besides Treacle may use the mouse to pick his teeth after a pair of new slippers, Hello graeme, anglais, and belly rubs to treacle from across the pond all the way from rainy ,cool, windy Western 1/3 of Tennessee.


    Hello Gerald.Treacle has been eyeing the mouse lately.Has'nt quite figured out what it is,if it's edible or not.Not as if that has stopped him in the past.How are you?Hope you are making good progress since your 'op.Rainy here as well.We seem to be heading quickly towards Xmas.Another year almost over.How quickly time passes when your enjoying yourself.May dress Treacle up as Father Xmas and put him in a Xmas stocking..............if he'll keep still long enough.Keep up with the therapy my friend and take care.


    Hello all...taking my lunch break with a few games. graeme...with Christmas may find a new mouse in your stocking with Treacle. Lay a few hints on Christine, or rub some bacon on your old mouse and the pooch will take care of the rest.


    Hello homedoggy, good here except the wind, cold and rain , so stuck in house, graeme he may be wearing the stockings, Take Care all, just think Thanksgiving cards come next week, yeah! ~~~~~~~


    Hello homedoggy I thought you were out looking for laverbread?I'm trying to avoid mentioning Xmas to Chris,it becomes expensive.Take care.


    High Scores will not load on Freecell. Error message '500' comes up. Clicking on little card will not help. Please check it out. Thank you, Frede


    I had some experience with that earlier this snowy afternoon from Western 1/3 of Tennessee mine cleared up and no problems since, Frede hope your situation clears up soon now that you are on main forum where everyone can read this maybe Jim and David look into it for you, It should clear up soon for you, Good Luck , Have Fun

Golf Solitaire Green Felt

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